Senators Make Unsuccessful Attempt To Pass AM For Every Vehicle Act By Unanimous Consent.

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Senators Make Unsuccessful Attempt To Pass AM For Every Vehicle Act By Unanimous Consent.

By Shahzaib Qureshi

Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Edward Markey (D-MA) and Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) went to the Senate floor Tuesday evening seeking to pass the bipartisan, bicameral AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act by unanimous consent. The bill, which was approved by the Senate Commerce Committee earlier this year, was on the verge of Senate passage before being objected to by Senator Rand Paul (R-KY). While the attempt, which seeks to circumvent a full Senate vote, was unsuccessful, the National Association of Broadcasters views the Senators’ effort as a positive development in the ongoing fight to preserve AM radio’s place in vehicle dashboards.

“AM radio is something that is widely enjoyed by Americans across this country, over 80 million Americans listen to AM radio every month, they rely on it,” Sen. Cruz, one of the bill’s sponsors said during a Senate floor speech that teed up the unanimous consent maneuver. “And yet earlier this year, we saw eight major automakers announced that they were stripping AM radio from new cars and new trucks, taking away the option of AM radio for consumers. That decision I believe was a serious mistake, a mistake that would hurt Texans and that would hurt Americans in all 50 states.”

Cruz then called for the bill to be passed by unanimous consent, a process in which it only takes the objection of one senator for the request to be rejected. That objection came from Sen. Paul, who during his floor time argued that it isn’t the government’s role to mandate what technology automakers include in their vehicles. “This legislation attempts to insert Congress's judgment into a question best decided by American consumers,” Paul said. “This isn't about consumers turning on or off the radio. This is about consumers deciding which car they want to buy, what they want to pay for it and what they want as the extras in the car.”

Claiming the AM For Every Vehicle Act would increase the cost of cars for consumers, Paul offered substitute language that would amend the bill. But Sen. Markey objected to Paul’s proposed modification, chastising his colleague for “attacking a bipartisan bill with overwhelming support of both sides of the aisle.” So did Sen Luján, who delivered an impassioned speech that characterized AM radio as “something that doesn't impact our daily lives until we need it most.”

Cruz also voiced his disdain for Paul’s objection. “This is about stripping consumer choice and killing AM radio,” Cruz told his fellow senators. “I hope the Majority Leader will schedule this bill for a vote because if he did, it would pass with an overwhelming vote on the floor of the Senate. And I hope the senator from Kentucky will reconsider because this bill would have passed today we're it not for two words from the senator from Kentucky: ‘I object.’ That is the only reason this bill has not passed today.”

While the unanimous consent effort failed, the NAB views the attempt as a positive development.

"NAB applauds Sens. Cruz, Markey and Luján for going to the floor of the United States Senate today to seek final passage of the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act, again demonstrating their leadership and steadfast commitment to advancing this critical legislation,” NAB CEO Curtis LeGeyt said in a statement. “With 192 cosponsors in the House and 44 in the Senate, the bill has gained remarkable momentum, highlighting the widespread recognition of the importance of AM radio to the American people. This bipartisan collaboration reflects a shared dedication to ensuring that AM radio remains a dependable and accessible medium for all. We thank Senators Markey and Cruz for their continued leadership and support of AM radio listeners and look forward to continue working with them to pass this critical legislation."


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